Hello everyone! It was a busy August for ZDub, and now I am 5 months old.... can you believe it?! My first two teeth came in (bottom row), and Mommy and Daddy have suddenly stopped letting me put their hands in my mouth. So instead I like to gnaw on all of my toys, blankets, clothes..... you name it. I stopped sucking on my own hands, as that is SO for 4-monthers. Now I actually get my feet in my mouth! It helps that my feet are roughly the size of water ski's. I've already outgrown my first pairs of Nike Shox and Air Kobe's, but I have a feeling Daddy will have something else for me soon.
Mommy, Grandma and I went to the family cabin at Lake Roesiger, and we had a great time! I LOVE water, so it was fun to go out in the boat and even put my feet in the lake! I also had fun on Lake Whatcom when we visited Uncle Phil, Auntie Cindi, Uncle Sean, Auntie Sabrina, Auntie Stephie and cousin Willemina in Bellingham!
I have been able to spend more time with Grandma, and my Oma, as Mommy has gone back to work at Starbucks 3 days a week and Daddy is making short trips to Oklahoma City. I am ready to start eating cereal, but apparently Count Chocula and the Trix rabbit will have to standby for now..... I guess you start with some kind of rice cereal concoction. I'll let you know how that goes.
I have two new playmates since the last time I blogged..... Jackson "Duke" Sele, he of the coolest name ever, was born to Mommy and Daddy's friends Marshall and Amie. And Uncle Darab, Auntie Marianna and cousin Eli welcomed Lily Catherine Sarbandi on August 27!
Well, I need to go update my LinkedIn profile, so goodbye for now, hope to see you soon!
Every good and perfect gift is from above... (James 1:17)